Blepharoplasty NJ, sometimes referred to as eyelid surgery, is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D. in Hackensack, NJ. The eye area is often one of the first regions to show the signs of aging due to how thin the skin in the area is and how active the muscles are. Today, we’re taking a closer look at who usually qualifies for this procedure to help you determine if eyelid surgery is a good fit for you.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty nj?
Most people who are considered a good candidate for this upper eyelid surgery have excess upper eyelid fat or skin making them look tired all the time. Generally, you can expect to be considered a good lower eyelid surgery candidate if you have puffy bags under your eyes regardless of how rested you are or what cosmetics you use in an attempt to improve your appearance.
This procedure can also benefit you if you have crow’s feet and other signs of aging around your eyes. Furthermore, you may be considered a good candidate for this procedure if your vision is impaired due to severe skin sagging. However, you need to attend a consultation with a certified plastic surgeon to ensure that this procedure will be safe and effective for you.
Who Is a Poor Candidate for This Procedure?
While this procedure is generally considered safe for most fairly healthy adults, there are contraindications. For example, you will not qualify for this procedure if you are not willing or able to stop consuming alcohol or tobacco products for two weeks prior to surgery. You also will be considered a poor candidate for surgery if you suffer from certain medical conditions, like hypertension, obesity, pregnancy, or diabetes.
What If I’m Not a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
If you are concerned about the appearance of your eye area but not a great fit for surgery, you may be a better candidate for BOTOX Cosmetic injections. BOTOX Cosmetic is an injectable muscle relaxant that can be used to correct a wide range of medical and cosmetic concerns, including blepharospasms, crow’s feet, and sagging eyelids.
How Should I Prepare for Surgery?
The most important preparation step to take prior to eyelid surgery is to attend an evaluation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your health and goals. During this evaluation, Dr. Rauscher will discuss both your medical history and current health to ensure that surgery will be safe for you. He will also advise you on everything you will need to do and avoid in order to prepare for surgery.
Another very important step you should take before your scheduled procedure is to ensure that you have someone to care for you after surgery. You will not be able to drive after your procedure, so you will need a ride home. Additionally, you should have someone stay with you for one to three days post-op.
What Should I Avoid Prior to Surgery?
It is essential that you avoid consuming tobacco products or alcohol prior to surgery. For this procedure to be safe, your vitals need to be good, and both alcohol and tobacco consumption can increase blood pressure and cause other problems. It is also crucial that you do not consume any blood-thinning drugs or supplements or anticoagulants before your eyelid surgery.
How Long Do Eyelid Surgery Results Last?
To be considered a good blepharoplasty nj candidate, it is important that you have realistic expectations about the results of surgery, including the durability of the results. You should know that lower eyelid surgery results usually last a lifetime, but the results of upper eyelid surgery usually only last for five to seven years.
What Can I Do to Enjoy Longer-Lasting Results?
There are several steps you can take to increase the longevity of upper blepharoplasty nj results. For example, your results will last longer if you refrain from consuming tobacco products after surgery. Nicotine is a chemical compound present in tobacco products that can significantly weaken the collagen that helps to keep your skin young, healthy, and volumized. Similarly, never consuming more than a moderate amount of alcohol daily will keep your skin beautiful.
Another highly effective step you can take to enjoy your eyelid surgery results for as long as possible is to protect your eye area from sun damage. You should wear sunglasses with UV protection and a broad-spectrum sunscreen when outdoors. Furthermore, you should strongly consider limiting or avoiding sun exposure when the UV index is dangerously high. Keeping your skin hydrated and nourished will also help to extend your results.
Schedule an Evaluation in New Jersey Today
You can generally expect to be considered a good blepharoplasty nj candidate if you are in fairly good health and concerned about the appearance of your eyelids. You can also benefit from this procedure if your field of vision has been reduced due to severe eyelid sagging. If you are in New Jersey and interested in learning more about this procedure, contact us now at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D. in Hackensack, NJ to book an evaluation.