During liposuction, excess fat is strategically removed from trouble areas. This common procedure is valued in NJ and elsewhere for its ability to streamline and balance the body in a way that diet and exercise alone cannot. If you have disproportionate fat storage someplace on your body, liposuction can bring you significantly closer to your ideal physique. There are several reasons why people in NJ and around the world undergo liposuction.
Reach Your Target Weight
By correcting your diet and committing to a routine workout plan, it’s possible to move towards a healthy and balanced body weight. What many people notice, however, is that weight loss tends to slow down as soon as they draw near their actual targets. As the body adapts to various lifestyle changes, the metabolism invariably slows down. This makes it incredibly difficult for many people to get rid of stubborn fat in trouble areas. Although liposuction is not actually a weight loss treatment, our skilled surgeon in NJ can use the procedure to remove that last bit of fat that has not responded to diet and exercise.
Spot Reduce Fat
One thing that many people cannot accomplish through diet and exercise is the spot reduction of fat. Natural weight loss is always uniform. As such, whenever a person sheds pounds, the entire body will become smaller. This is unfortunate news for people who have been working hard to get rid of flab on the undersides of their arms, love handles, excess submental fat, or inner thigh fat. Before your procedure is performed, our provider in New Jersey will talk to you about your cosmetic goals. A plan will then be established to achieve noticeable slimming across all areas of concern.
Far Less Invasive Than Before
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves tissue removal. Currently, however, this procedure is less invasive and lower in risk than it’s ever been before. New innovations in both lipo equipment and treatment methods have allowed for less discomfort, lower risk, shorter recovery times, and more! These changes have made liposuction safer and significantly more effective overall.
Is Liposuction Right for You?
Liposuction is best used by people who are already at or near their target body weights. This procedure cannot be used in place of a healthy diet and exercise plan, but it can certainly supplement and enhance one. Liposuction is perfect for people who want to streamline and tone select body areas in an effort to achieve their cosmetic goals.
Make an appointment at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher in Hackensack, NJ to learn more information about liposuction. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and get started!