Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction

tummy tuck vs liposuction

Cosmetic surgery has seen a dramatic increase in popularity over the years, with body contouring being one of the most desired procedures in New Jersey and around the world. And although both liposuction and tummy tucks can provide a noticeable improvement, many people have a difficult time distinguishing between tummy tuck vs liposuction procedures.

Many of our patients in NJ who are interested in having a flatter stomach often ask what the difference is between a tummy tuck and liposuction. Both procedures can dramatically improve the abdominal area by creating a taut midsection. However, tummy tucks and liposuction are very different in terms of the end results.

A Closer Look at Liposuction

Liposuction is ideal for both men and women in New Jersey who want to remove localized fatty tissue in specific areas. Tumescent liposuction is especially effective for safely removing stubborn fat bulges.

Liposuction is a good choice for patients who have good skin and muscle tone. Typically, these individuals do not have excess skin in their midsection or loose abdominal muscles. Liposuction can also improve the shape of the patient’s midsection.

It is important to note that liposuction cannot eliminate stretch marks, excess skin or issues associated with loose abdominal muscles. These types of issues are usually associated with pregnancy and/or weight loss, and they are most commonly resolved with a tummy tuck procedure.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that effectively removes excess skin while tightening the abdominal muscles. Any residual skin is then re-draped over the abdominal area, giving the patient with a flat and taut stomach. Typically, an abdominoplasty procedure is the best solution for patients if their main issues are excess skin and/or stretched abdominal muscles (not fat).

Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction: Which is Best for Me?

When it comes down to tummy tuck vs liposuction procedures, both are optimal choices for body contouring, but it’s very important to determine which issues need correction before choosing the best course of treatment. If you have excess skin and loose abdominal muscles, then a tummy tuck may be the right choice for you. For patients in NJ who only need fat removed from an isolated area, liposuction is usually the best course of treatment. Together with Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, you can decide which procedure is best-suited for your individual needs. Often times, these procedures can be combined for optimal results.

If you’re interested in a body contouring procedure, make an appointment at our office in Hackensack, NJ. Dr. Rauscher and his dedicated staff look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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