Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Target Stubborn Fat Non-Surgically with the CoolMini Device


When our cosmetic professionals talk to our clients and ask them what they would like to improve about their appearance, many individuals say that they would like to remove their double chin. A few years ago, the only solution to this problem was liposuction. Unfortunately, that solution was not acceptable for many who were afraid of going under the knife, did not want to deal with the recovery time, and did not want the possible side effects that came from this invasive surgical procedure.

Recently, the FDA has approved an alternative. It is a device produced by the same people who gave the world CoolSculpting®. It is called the CoolMini. This is an effective way to treat the submental fat that is found underneath the chin. It is a non-invasive procedure that has been shown to be effective time and time again.

The Product of Advanced Technology

The CoolMini is only available because of advances in non-surgical cosmetic treatments. People can enjoy all the benefits that come from liposuction without worrying about the downsides of the procedure. Instead of using cutting and suction to remove fat, controlled cooling is used to destroy fat cells. The technology is very similar to the extremely popular CoolSculpting® procedure.

Is the CoolMini Safe?

When people hear that this procedure destroys fat cells by using controlled cooling, they may wonder whether it is safe. Some are concerned that their skin or nerve tissues might be damaged by the same cooling process that is killing their fat cells.

There is no need to worry about the safety of the FDA-approved CoolMini™ device. Fat cells freeze and are destroyed at a different temperature than skin or nerve cells. This allows the CoolMini™ device to attack fat cells in a controlled way without affecting nearby tissue. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they will gradually be absorbed by the body and removed through the natural waste removal process.

While the CoolMini™ device has just been introduced to the public recently, it was designed and developed in 2007. For almost 8 years, the device was tested and put through trials by the FDA. After this rigorous testing process, the FDA gave the device its approval.

Are CoolMini™ and CoolSculpting® the Same Thing?

While both procedures benefit from the same state-of-the-art technology, there are differences in the devices and the way that they are used. The primary difference is the size. The CoolMini is smaller. It is designed to address fat in smaller surfaces, such as underneath the chin. Throughout the entire treatment process, people have been surprised at how effective the device is.

How Quick Are the Results?

Results can usually be seen after one treatment. However, these results are not immediately visible. It will take a few days for the treated fat cells to naturally die. Over the course of the next few weeks, these fat cells are removed from the treated area. You should see the maximum results after around 12 weeks.

Learn More During a Consultation

CoolMini Nj is an exciting new device in the non-surgical body sculpting realm. The results that it has produced have been exciting to watch. We encourage you to visit the office of Gregory E. Rauscher, MD in Hackensack to get all the facts about this treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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