Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Take the Next Step with Breast Enhancement

breast enhancement

A woman’s bust plays a major role in her self-esteem. It’s part of what makes her feel feminine and beautiful. You want to embrace the curves of your body and make the most of them, but your breasts are a disappointment to you. You look in the mirror and long for a more voluptuous figure. You’ve tried to enhance your bust with help from padding in your bras and clothing. It’s not enough. You want a satisfying bust that is permanent. It shouldn’t matter what you are wearing; you should be able to have complete confidence in your body. Take the next step toward your goal with breast enhancement at the office of Dr. Gregory Rauscher in New Jersey!

What Factors Should You Consider?

One factor that needs to be considered for breast enhancement surgery is your age. You must be at least 18 before you can have saline implants. If you would prefer silicone implants, you will need to put off this type of cosmetic procedure until you are 22. Your breasts must be completely developed before a plastic surgeon will perform breast enhancement surgery. The next factor is your expectations. You need to have a true understanding that your breasts will be permanently altered when you get breast implants. You should have a clear idea of what size you want to be. If you choose wisely, you won’t be back for revision procedures. The most important factor is your health. You need to be healthy in order to undergo cosmetic surgery. If you have any type of medical condition, discuss it with our plastic surgeon. Our surgeon needs to be aware of anything that could cause a complication during your procedure.

When is it Time to Think About Breast Enhancement?

Deciding to have breast enhancement should be a personal choice. You should not feel pressured by the expectations of others. You should consider this surgery if it will make you happy. Many women choose breast implants because they have never had much of a bust. If you have lost a great deal of weight or you are extremely athletic, your breasts may be much too small when compared to the rest of your body. You can make sure everything is in proportion by increasing your bust size. If you have had children and you have finished nursing your babies, you may notice a dramatic change in the size of your bust. Breast implants can restore your bust to its pre-maternal glory. You may have breasts that do not match in shape and size. You can achieve balance and symmetry with breast enhancement. Many women choose breast implants when they reach menopause and notice a loss of volume. Only you can know what shape is right for your body. Our plastic surgeon can offer you advice and determine if you are a good candidate. At that point, it is up to you.

What Decisions Will Be Made Beforehand?

While our plastic surgeon will be in charge of your procedure, you still have the opportunity to express your wishes. A good place to start is with the type of implant that you would prefer. Do your research. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages that come with silicone or saline. Make sure you are comfortable with the size of your implants. You can review our plastic surgeon’s photo gallery and ask about different cup sizes to get an understanding of what you could look like after implant surgery. You also have the option of wearing inserts made from gel in your bra. Try different sizes to find the right fit for you. Here in New Jersey, our surgeon will talk to you about your procedure. You need to decide if you would rather have your implants inserted beneath your breasts, around your areolas, or through your armpits. Our surgeon will make the final decision on placement of your implants. They could be inserted beneath your pectoral muscles or above them. It will all depend on what will give you the best results.

Will There be Downtime After Breast Enhancement?

Even though this is an outpatient surgery, you still need to give your breasts a chance to heal. You won’t be able to jump back into your normal routine and work schedule right away. On the day of your procedure, someone should drive you home. You should also have someone stay with you during the first 24 hours after surgery. You may need help and someone should be monitoring you for any problems. You’ll be given a bra that acts like a compression garment, holding your breasts securely in place and minimizing swelling. Less motion will mean less discomfort. You should sleep in an inclined position on your back for the first few days. Many women choose to sleep in a recliner chair until their breasts have healed. Any type of heavy lifting is out of the question. Exercise should consist of light walking for at least two weeks. You should wait to get back into a full workout for at least a month. Save anything that is going to put extreme pressure on your chest or major lifting until six weeks have gone by. You should also keep your surgical sites clean. Stay in communication with our plastic surgeon if you experience any problems during your recovery.

Discuss Breast Enhancement with Our Plastic Surgeon

Our surgeon is your best resource for any type of cosmetic surgery. If you think you are ready for breast enhancement, feel free to make an appointment with the office of Dr. Gregory Rauscher. At our convenient location in Hackensack, NJ, our caring and dedicated team of professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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