Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Male Breast Reduction in New Jersey

male breast reduction

As a man, it is extremely embarrassing to have large breasts. You have tried to fix the problem on your own. You managed to get your weight down, but the large breasts are here to stay. You can either wear shirts that are much too large all the time, avoid social situations, or look for a permanent solution for your problem. A male breast reduction in New Jersey could help you.

What is a Male Breast Reduction All About?

Women choose a breast reduction when they are not happy with the size of their breasts or the weight of excessively large breasts causes them significant discomfort. The same can hold true for a man. If you are self-conscious about your large breasts, you can seek help from a plastic surgeon. Dr. Rauscher can reduce the size of your breasts in an outpatient procedure in New Jersey that will restore your physique.

What Will Happen When You Have a Male Breast Reduction?

In order to have a male breast reduction, you will have to go through a process. A consultation is the first step. You will sit down in our office to discuss how you feel about your breasts and why you want a reduction. One of our professionals will evaluate your breasts, look at your medical history, and consider how you are feeling now. If he or she determines that you are good candidate to have surgery, you can plan your surgical visit. Once your breasts have healed, you will see the difference a male breast reduction can make for you. You can start buying shirts that fit you properly again. You won’t feel like you have to hide your body. Feel good in your own skin.

Take the First Step Toward Male Breast Reduction Today

If you have had enough of large male breasts, you can act now to do something to improve your life. Come in for your first visit in NJ to talk about your goals. Find out what you can expect from surgery and if this is the best decision for you. Contact us today at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher in Hackensack, NJ to book a consultation.

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