Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Is CoolSculpting Permanent?

coolsculpting treatment

At the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D. in Hackensack, NJ, we pride ourselves in our ability to help our clients achieve a level of confidence in themselves that they have not had in a long time. We offer a wide range of aesthetic services designed to enhance appearance and self-confidence, including CoolSculpting. Today, we’re looking at everything you need to know about this treatment, like how long the results last.

Is CoolSculpting Permanent? 

Yes, CoolSculpting results are considered permanent. This is because the treatment cools your targeted regions to roughly 42 degrees, cold enough to freeze many of the subcutaneous fat cells to death, but not cold enough to damage the water-based skin and muscle cells in the area. Once the fat cells die, your lymphatic system will process and eliminate them. Your body can’t grow replacement fat cells.

However, you should understand that your contours can change even after your body has eliminated the dead fat cells. There are still 10s of billions of fat cells that can still stretch to make room for excess energy storage. To enjoy your desired contours for as long as possible, do your best to gain no more than 10 pounds after your final fat removal session.

How Much Fat Can I Expect To Lose? 

You can expect to lose between 20 and 25% of your localized subcutaneous adipose tissue per treatment session. We will give you a better idea of what results you should be able to see once we have evaluated your areas of concern. Generally, the smaller the area you are treating is, the greater the percentage of subcutaneous fat you can expect to be removed.

How Many Sessions Will I Need To Achieve My Desired Results? 

Only one or two treatment sessions should be required for you to achieve satisfactory results if you are already at your ideal body weight. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it is likely that you will need between five and six treatment sessions per area of concern. We will give you a better idea of how many sessions you should need once we understand your goals and have evaluated your cosmetic concerns.

How Long Will My Results Take To Become Apparent? 

It may take between six weeks and six months for your final results to become apparent. Several factors affect how quickly you will be able to feel confident in your appearance, including the amount of excess fat that must be removed, your health, and the number of sessions you will need to achieve your desired results.

Treatment sessions are generally scheduled a couple of months apart. This is because it can take up to two months for the results of a session to become apparent. Therefore, if you need three sessions spaced two months apart, it will take you roughly six months to enjoy your optimal results. It should only take six to eight weeks if you only need one session per area of concern.

What Can I Do To Enjoy My Desired Results Faster? 

To enjoy your CoolSculpting results as quickly as possible, it is crucial that you support the efficiency of your lymphatic system. One very effective way to do this is by staying hydrated. Like all of the other systems in your body, the efficiency of your lymphatic system will be negatively affected by dehydration.

You can also hasten the appearance of your ideal results by limiting your intake of processed foods and alcohol and ensuring that you eat plenty of nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment? 

You can generally expect to qualify for CoolSculpting if you have a BMI between 18.5 and 29.9. If you are underweight, you will most likely not have enough excess fat in an area of concern for this treatment to be effective. If you suffer from obesity, you may have too much excess fat in a problem area for this treatment to be effective.

Besides your body mass index, there are other factors that must be considered before we can advise you on whether you qualify for this treatment. For instance, you will be deemed a poor fit for treatment if you suffer from diabetic neuropathy, cold urticaria, Raynaud’s disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.

Where Can This Treatment Remove Excess Fat From?  

The FDA has approved the use of this device for the treatment of nine areas of the body. It is generally used to remove excess fat from the abdomen and flanks. However, it can also be used to remove excess thigh fat, upper back fat, and submental fat. Furthermore, you can get this treatment to eliminate excess upper arm fat.

Schedule an Evaluation in New Jersey Today

CoolSculpting provides permanent results by killing subcutaneous fat cells, leading to your lymphatic system eliminating them. However, you may need a follow-up treatment in the future if you do not maintain your weight. The fat cells that remain in your body can still expand to accommodate excess energy. Schedule an evaluation with us today at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D. in Hackensack, NJ to learn more. 

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