Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.


Has sun exposure and skin damage changed the appearance of your skin? Are you unhappy with hyperpigmentation or an uneven skin tone? The quality of our skin can continue to decline due to the natural causes of aging, as well as constant exposure to environmental factors like the sun. If you are like many patients looking to reverse the appearance of these imperfections on the surface of skin, we here at Gregory E. Rauscher M.D. can help. With advanced IPL skin care treatments, you can reverse the appearance of skin concerns for a soft even complection.

What is IPL?

IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light, which is a form of therapy that delivers the necessary energy beneath the surface of skin for greatly improving a variety of texture and tone concerns. It is a non-invasive and safe remedy that functions on the basis of photorejuvenation for improved skin tissue and texture. This is done through the release of many different light wavelengths delivered beneath the surface to the second, or dermis layer of skin. This is done without causing any harm to the surrounding skin tissue. With this comfortable and non-invasive solution, you can achieve a smooth and even complexion.

How Does it Work?

Following a consultation, treatments are personalized to address the specific concerns and aesthetic desires of each patient. During treatment, the IPL is delivered to the deeper layers of skin using the specialized hand held device. The light waves delivered to the dermis layer are then absorbed by the pigmented cells within skin, and is converted into heat. The heat is effective at destroying and eliminating irregular pigments such  as freckles and dark spots. Following treatment, you can notice an improvement in skin imperfections with results that provide a more even and smooth skin tone.


There are many benefits that innovative IPL treatments can provide you including:

Contact Us

If you are unhappy with the current appearance of your skin, and are experiencing any of the skin concerns mentioned, IPL could benefit you. If you are looking for a reliable solution for reclaiming the soft and even tone of your skin, reach out to us here at  Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D to learn more. Contact us today and schedule your consultation towards radiantly healthy skin!

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