Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

How Does Sculptra Work?

If you’re ready to address the signs of aging in your face but don’t want to commit to a facelift or a high-maintenance beauty regimen, Sculptra can help. At Dr. Gregory E Rauscher, M.D. in Hackensack, NJ, we offer this excellent dermal filler because we love the way it works.

7 Top Questions Answered

1. How Does Sculptra Work?

Unlike some dermal fillers that simply fill the face, this one actually stimulates your body to produce new, fresh collagen. Collagen loss is behind a lot of the signs of aging we see, and though it’s natural to lose collagen as we age, you don’t have to just live with it.

What Fresh Collagen Will Do

When your body starts producing collagen again in greater amounts, your face will appear more youthfully plump and fine lines and wrinkles will disappear. Not only will the outermost layer of visible skin be fresh and renewed, but the foundational matrix of the dermal layer will become stronger.

With a stronger structure to build on, your skin will not be as lax or saggy. It will have better elasticity and hydration, as well.

How Treatment Helps

We administer your dermal filler, which is a synthetic form of the poly-L-lactic acid our bodies naturally produce, over a course of treatments designed to get you the results you’re looking for. For most people here in New Jersey, about four injections over three to four weeks are best, but your schedule will be designed entirely with you in mind.

We inject the filler in a pattern that fully covers the areas of concern and allows the filler to deeply penetrate into the dermal layers. The lactic acid in Sculptra is a powerful collagen signaller, and your body will immediately get to work restoring your look.

2. How Long Will My Results Last?

Most people see some changes in the first few days after their injection, but the best results start to appear as your collagen levels naturally rise.

Results vary, but most people enjoy those results for as long as two years. You may want to schedule a maintenance injection after 18 to 24 months to keep your results seamless, or you may prefer to wait until you notice results fading.

3. Why Do I Have to Wait for Results?

Your body is repairing and rejuvenating your skin naturally when you use Sculptra, and it needs time to do this. But it’s worth the wait for several reasons. First, your results will look natural because they are. Your body will restore your face the way it has always looked.

Second, because the results are natural and gradual, you’ll never look like you’ve had work done. We’ve all known that person who left their New Jersey office one day at lunch and came back looking completely different. No matter how good they looked, it was hard not to notice the abrupt change. That doesn’t happen with this dermal filler. Instead, people will simply notice that you’re looking fresher, brighter, and more youthful.

4. Is Getting an Injection Painful?

This treatment isn’t uncomfortable, and it doesn’t require a lot of downtime or recovery. We start by cleaning the area and applying a numbing cream. Then we use a very fine needle to make the injections, and the filler itself is combined with lidocaine to increase your comfort.

5. What Aging Problems Can This Dermal Filler Help With?

This is a wonderful option for treating a number of issues with the face. In fact, some people call this treatment a “fluid facelift” because it has much of the versatility of a facelift without the downtime and surgery.

Sculptra can add volume to the face, which can fill out hollowing areas around the cheeks, jaw, or temples. It can restore the youthful contours of your cheeks and elsewhere. As it goes to work in restoring volume, you’ll also notice that lines and wrinkles disappear.

6. Can I Have Other Cosmetic Treatments at the Same Time?

This dermal filler pairs nicely with other cosmetic treatments. While it’s perfect for addressing the overall face, it should not be used around the eyes and lips where the skin is too thin, so some people combine this filler with ones in the Juvederm line that are suitable for lips and crow’s feet.

Botulinum toxin injections like Botox are also frequently combined with this treatment. While the “fluid facelift” gives you an overall lift, you can use Botox strategically to hit specific wrinkles caused by muscle movement.

7. Am I a Good Candidate?

Most adults with a healthy immune system and no allergy to lidocaine are great candidates for this treatment. In general, we look for people who:

Are Willing to Wait for Results

You don’t see your results instantly with this treatment, but the results are more natural-looking and last longer than with other injections. A good candidate knows that “good things come to those who wait.”

If you need fast treatment to prepare for a big event, however, talk to us about other possible options.

Are In Need of Volume and Contouring

This injection isn’t just about smoothing out wrinkles. It’s a comprehensive rejuvenation treatment. It can restore cheeks and lift sagging skin, so this treatment is perfect for anyone who is looking for more than just a spot treatment to get rid of wrinkles.

Get a Younger Look Today!

If you’re interested in what this treatment can do for your look, contact Dr. Gregory E Rauscher, M.D. in Hackensack, NJ today and learn more!

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