Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

How Does JUVÉDERM Work?

Dermal fillers are popular cosmetic injectables that can help patients achieve their unique aging-related and aesthetic goals. At the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D., in Hackensack, NJ, we offer the JUVÉDERM collection of fillers. This line of fillers can target volume loss, enhance the features, and help New Jersey area patients safely achieve different aesthetic goals during a quick and comfortable treatment process.

How Does JUVÉDERM Work?

JUVÉDERM is a line of dermal fillers specifically formulated to treat volume loss. These fillers work by restoring lost volume just below the surface of the skin to smooth wrinkles, lines, and facial folds, fill hollow areas, and correct aesthetic imperfections. They’re made of a hyaluronic acid-based crystal clear gel formula that is injected with a tiny needle just below the skin’s surface.

After an injection, the gel filler integrates within the skin to plump, fill, smooth, and contour the treatment areas. These fillers are also made with lidocaine, which helps promote a completely comfortable injection experience. Once injected into the desired treatment area, the results can last over a year based on the mobility of the injection area and how quickly the body metabolizes the product.

What Can These Fillers Treat?

The JUVÉDERM collection includes versatile dermal fillers that can address volume loss and enhance the features in multiple facial areas. The six fillers are each made of hyaluronic acid particles of different sizes to address different areas of the face, including ones that are more sensitive and delicate.

We can use these fillers to restore volume to the cheeks and contour the mid-facial area, enhance the chin profile to improve facial aesthetics and contour, and improve the jawline’s shape, structure, and definition. There’s also a filler that can augment the lips or restore natural volume to correct aging-related volume loss.

Smoothing Smile Lines and Reversing Aging

We can use these fillers to smooth smile lines around the mouth, including marionette lines and nasolabial folds. There’s even a filler that’s made with a thicker formula to treat the more advanced signs of aging around the mouth.

We can use one of the multi-tasking fillers from this collection to treat hollowing beneath the eyes, which creates an aged or tired-looking appearance. Patients can undergo treatment with one or multiple dermal fillers from this collection to achieve their aging-related or aesthetic goals.

Are These Fillers Safe?

Not only are the JUVÉDERM fillers FDA-cleared for cosmetic use, but our injectors know exactly how much product to administer and where, to help each NJ area patient achieve their unique treatment goals. You can rest assured that we will take every step possible to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable treatment and that you feel confident in the effectiveness and safety of your chosen fillers.

What Happens During a Typical Treatment?

When you arrive for your initial treatment at our New Jersey area office, we’ll begin by cleansing your skin and preparing it for the injection process. Some patients request a topical numbing cream, but since all of these fillers have lidocaine as one of their primary ingredients, many do not. We can discuss this treatment aspect with you before beginning the process.

When Will I See the Results?

One of the benefits of these dermal fillers is that you’ll see immediate results after your treatment. However, your initial results won’t be your final results because the filler formula can take up to a week to integrate into the injection location. The results will continue to improve for the first 30 days post-treatment.

How Long Will the Results Last?

All of the JUVÉDERM fillers are long-lasting. Depending on which product we use as part of your treatment plan, your results can last anywhere from 12 to 24 months or longer. When we evaluate your treatment areas and make filler recommendations, we can also give you more details about how long those results should last so you know what to expect.

How Often Should I Schedule Maintenance Treatments?

Because these fillers can last a year or longer, your maintenance treatments will be relatively infrequent. Once you start to see your results fade, you can schedule your follow-up treatment at our NJ area office, and we’ll administer the right amount of product to restore your ideal appearance. However, if you decide to address additional areas of your face between treatments, we can schedule an appointment and help meet your needs.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for these fillers are patients in good health with realistic expectations about the treatment process and outcome and who are not allergic to any of the product ingredients. Patients must also be willing to commit to maintenance treatments to maintain their desired results long-term. Pregnant and nursing women do not qualify for treatment for safety reasons.

Combat Aging and Enhance Your Appearance With a Dermal Filler Treatment Plan

Whether you want to reverse volume loss, augment your lips, enhance your facial features, or all of the above, we can design the right treatment plan for your needs. During an initial consultation at our NJ area office, we can evaluate your treatment areas, ask questions about your medical history, and confirm that JUVÉDERM fillers are right for you. Contact us today at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D., in Hackensack, NJ, to schedule your initial consultation.

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