If you think your backside needs some improvement, you are not alone. Many people in New Jersey feel like they could have a curvier, fuller bottom. While others are trying to trim their buttocks down, you want to go in the other direction. You’ve looked up different kinds of exercises that are supposed to give you more volume. That didn’t work for you. You tried wearing padding in your clothes, but you always worried about your pads shifting. As soon as you undressed, your backside was back to normal. If this is you, it may be time to talk with a plastic surgeon to learn how a Brazilian butt lift can give you your dream body.
Why are Brazilian Butt Lifts Making So Many People Happy?
When you choose a Brazilian butt lift in NJ to enhance your buttocks, our plastic surgeon will help you find a good source of fat on your body. It could be on your abdomen or your thighs. If you have an adequate supply of fat for the procedure, you will undergo liposuction in order to remove the fat. All it takes is a small opening while the fat is suctioned through a surgical tube. The fat goes through a process in which it is cleansed of impurities. The final stage of the treatment takes place when the fat is injected into your buttocks. The fat will graft to your existing fat. It will give you volume that lasts. The procedure doesn’t take long. Healing from incisions for liposuction will only take a few days. You’ll leave on the day you come in for your procedure. You’ll walk away with buttocks that meet your expectations. You can finally wear those clothes that highlight your new and improved backside.
A Brazilian Butt Lift Gives You a Natural Solution
A Brazilian butt lift uses your own fat. You don’t have as many risks of reactions or complications when you simply take fat from one part of your body and transfer it to the area where you need it. You’ll also have the added benefit of enhancing two areas as your body. One area will look tighter and smoother while your backside looks rounder. It’s the best of both worlds when you eliminate fat you don’t want and put it to good use in your buttocks.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About What a Brazilian Butt Lift Could Do for You
When you can’t pump up your backside on your own, our plastic surgeon in NJ offers you effective alternatives. You can shape your body the way you want it with extra help from our surgeon. For more information, feel free to make an appointment with the office of Dr. Gregory Rauscher! At our convenient location in Hackensack, New Jersey, you will have the opportunity to learn about the benefits of a Brazilian butt lift. Most importantly, you will find out if this procedure is the best choice to enhance your backside. If you have extra fat that will be effective for your transfer, there is a good chance you can benefit from a Brazilian butt lift. Contact us today to set up your consultation!