Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Enhance Your Backside with a Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift

A combination of dieting and exercise can help you transform your body, but despite all of the hard work, you still might not be able to obtain an ideal bottom. If you’d like some extra help getting a gorgeous backside, then consider a Brazilian butt lift. A lot of women aren’t born with a full, rounded bottom, but they must understand that there are plenty of options available.

What is the Brazilian Butt Lift?

This is a popular procedure, and it can give your bottom a prominent, rounded shape. An alternative solution is buttock implants, but a lot of people don’t like the thought of having foreign objects inside of their body. The Brazilian butt lift consists of transferring fat from other areas of your body.

Once fat has been extracted from your hips, thighs or abdomen, for example, it’s inserted into your buttocks. Before injection, the fat is purified and prepared.

This procedure is great for women who’ve lost weight but don’t like the shape of their bottom. For some women, the appearance of their backside is ruined by sagging skin, and for others, the size or shape of the bottom is undesirable.

The Brazilian butt lift procedure can be customized to fit your individual needs. If you have an excessive amount of droopy skin on your butt, you might consider getting an excision butt lift as well.

Reasons to Get a Brazilian Butt Lift

There are several reasons why you might consider this procedure. If you have small, flat or boxy buttocks, you could benefit from the procedure. The technique can be customized and adjusted for your body and goals.

Some women have buttocks that aren’t proportionate with the rest of their body. The Brazilian butt lift can help you to obtain round, symmetrical buttocks. The volume is another factor that can be optimized.

Aging buttocks are another reason to consider the procedure. As you age, it’s natural for your buttocks to fall. They’ll lose the perkiness that you enjoyed while you were young. During the aging process, the buttocks tend to sag outward and downward.

The Brazilian butt lift is capable of inserting fat into the upper gluteal region, so you can benefit from restored volume in your bottom. The end result is a butt that looks youthful and rejuvenated.

How the Procedure Works and Results

Before deciding if it’s right for you, it’s important to know how the procedure works. The Brazilian butt lift new jersey consists of two parts. The first part of the procedure involves liposuction. During this process, fat is removed from the desired area. The lower back and waist are common areas where fat is removed from.

By extracting the fat cells from these areas, the final results of the procedure are enhanced. After the surgeon has collected enough fat cells, the cells are processed and prepared for the next part of the process. The fat is then injected into targeted areas of your buttocks. When the procedure is finished, you can look forward to a beautiful, new backside.

Schedule a Consultation Today

When you come in for a consultation at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, MD, you can learn more about how a Brazilian butt lift can benefit you. Our office is located in Hackensack. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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