Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

CoolSculpting for Non-Surgical Fat Reduction


Almost everyone has something on their body that they don’t like. For many people, this can be certain areas of stubborn fat that refuse to budge with diet and exercise alone. Unfortunately, we can’t target fat loss with exercise. CoolSculpting®, however, lets us finally get rid of our most stubborn pockets of fat without having to undergo surgery.

Recent advancements in technology have allowed us to do amazing things when it comes to body contouring procedures. While liposuction was once the only option for those who wanted to get rid of their unwanted fat, patients who don’t want or cannot undergo surgery can choose completely non-invasive fat removal with CoolSculpting® instead.

CoolSculpting® uses carefully controlled cooling technology to treat areas of unwanted fat on the body, such as the abdomen and love handles. Patients who choose CoolSculpting® can effectively reduce their unwanted fat without having to worry about the downtime and risks of surgery. They are simply able to watch their body get slimmer and slimmer in the weeks following their treatment.

Because our office has multiple CoolSculpting® devices, patients in New Jersey can enjoy DualSculpting by treating many areas at once. This leaves you with an even quicker and more convenient treatment.

So how does the CoolSculpting procedure work? First, as its name implies, it uses cooling technology to treat your unwanted fat. The device is placed on a particular area to deliver intense cold to the unwanted fat. As the fat cells are frozen, they eventually die off. After they are destroyed, the body will then eliminate them naturally. The process really is that simple; there is no surgery, anesthesia or downtime.

CoolSculpting® is famous for being as comfortable as it is effective. Patients typically feel nothing more than a cold sensation, which is quickly followed by numbness. Once the treated area has been numbed, most patients spend their treatment time reading, relaxing or even napping.

The number of treatments needed varies from patient to patient based on factors such as personal goals and how much unwanted fat is in the targeted areas. While you may notice sufficient fat loss after just one session, many people see exceptional body contouring results after several treatments. We will help you decide how many treatment sessions will benefit you the most during your consultation.

We would love to show you more about how this treatment can help you get rid of fat on your body. If you are in New Jersey and are unhappy with stubborn fat, our dedicated team can help you at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher, M.D. Contact our office in Hackensack, NJ to schedule your consultation and find out if CoolSculpting® is right for you.

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