Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation has long been one of the most popular elective surgical procedures in the United States, and for good reason. Augmentation is a blanket term that covers a wide range of options, such as enhancements, reductions, reconstructions and lifts. If you are not happy with some aspect of your bust and are considering breast augmentation for yourself, you may be wondering if you would be a good candidate. While every person is an individual and surgical candidacy is decided on an individual basis, there are some factors that all good candidates share.

You Do Not Smoke Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes has a hugely negative impact on our ability to breathe easily throughout a surgery and heal effectively afterwards. Ideally, you should quit smoking at least three months before your breast augmentation and remain smoke-free during your entire recovery, at minimum. If you are having trouble quitting smoking, talk to our doctor about smoking cessation aids and programs in your area.

You Do Not Abuse Drugs or Alcohol

Drinking excessively or abusing drugs, whether prescription or recreational, can make healing from any surgical procedure difficult. Those struggling with addiction often suffer from post-operative complications which can quickly spiral into a life-threatening situation.

Your Weight Is Healthy and Stable

Weight gain and loss can have a big effect on the size and shape of your breasts, making it advisable to be at a healthy and stable weight before you consider breast augmentation. Large weight fluctuations can also undo your surgical results, leaving you with breasts larger or smaller than you had intended.

Ideally, you will want to be on a committed diet and exercise program before you undergo the procedure, as this will ensure you are healthy and that your body has all the vitamins and minerals it will need to heal quickly and successfully.

You Have Good Overall Health or Well-Managed Issues

As the old saying goes: no one is perfect. It is not necessary to be in absolute perfect health to receive breast augmentation, but you do need to be as healthy as possible. If you have well-managed conditions such as asthma or diabetes, surgery can usually be safe for you. You will need to talk to our surgeon about what you can do to ensure your surgery is as safe as possible and your healing as uneventful as possible. If you have any chronic issues, be sure to bring your medical records along to your consultation or have them forwarded before you arrive.

There are many steps you can take to increase your odds of a successful outcome and recovery when it comes to breast augmentation. If you feel you might be ready to discuss this popular procedure, we are ready to help at the office of Dr. Gregory E. Rauscher in Hackensack. Call our office today to schedule a confidential consultation. We are committed to helping you reach your aesthetic goals.

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