Gregory E Rauscher, M.D.

Body Contouring


Body Contouring with Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Body Lift, and More in New Jersey

Body contouring in NJ practice involves reshaping areas of the body using various plastic surgery methods, including liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction, tummy tuck and more. New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Rauscher offers a variety of body sculpting procedures to transform the shape and proportions of the body to create a more ideally balanced figure.

Dr. Rauscher’s office is proud to announce that we are now offering our patients an alternative to surgery for stubborn body fat and body contouring in NJ!

CoolSculpting® is an FDA cleared liposuction alternative that uses fat- freezing technology to safely and effectively remove unwanted fat cells. There is no downtime involved, no needles, no anesthesia and no surgery.

“DUAL- SCULPTING” with CoolSculpting®

Dr. Rauscher’s office is one of the very few offices to offer “Dual- Sculpting”.  This means our office can treat two areas at the same time.  Cutting your treatment time in half!  Saving you time and money! Because who only has one love handle right?

Before & After Photos

FAQs about CoolSculpting®

How long is a CoolSculpting® treatment?

Each treatment takes about an hour but since Dr. Rauscher’s office offers “Dual-Sculpting” two treatments can be done simultaneously (ie: flank, back, thigh treatments) therefore saving you time.

Does the CoolSculpting® procedure hurt?

Typically the procedure is not painful. However, at the beginning of your treatment you will feel a deep pulling/ tugging sensation of the area being treated for the first few minutes until the area freezes. After your procedure you can expect some temporary soreness and tenderness of the treatment area.

When will I see results from my CoolSculpting® treatment?

Results are gradually seen within 4-6 weeks of treatment and continue to enhance up to 6 months.

Are the results of CoolSculpting®  permanent?

During CoolSculpting®, the treated fat cells are eliminated. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, long-term results should remain stable.

How is CoolSculpting® different from Liposuction?

CoolSculpting® is an alternative to Liposuction depending on your own personal goals. Is it completely non-invasive and includes no downtime or surgery.  Our Certified CoolSculpting® Technicians would determine if you are a candidate for CoolSculpting® during your initial consultation. If you are looking to achieve a greater amount of fat reduction Liposuction might be more appropriate.

What is the cost of CoolSculpting®?

The price of CoolSculpting® varies according to the individual depending on the areas treated and patient goals. For your own personal assessment and estimate please request a consultation at our office today!


Body contouring in NJ uses  liposuction at our New Jersey practice can be performed to remove fat from almost anywhere on the body. Most commonly, liposuction is performed on the arms, legs, hips, buttocks and torso. It can also be performed to remove excess fat from the neck and from beneath the chin.

Dr. Gregory Rauscher begins the procedure by inserting a slim, hollow tube called a cannula into small incisions near the area(s) to be contoured. The cannula is moved back and forth through the layers of tissue, and the appropriate amount of fat is extracted from the area. Once the fat and tissue have been removed, Dr. Gregory Rauscher closes the incision. Several different liposuction techniques are available at our New Jersey practice: tumescent liposuction, super-wet liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction (UAL), and external ultrasound-assisted liposuction (XUAL):

When you talk with Dr. Rauscher, he can help you decide on the most appropriate form of liposuction and anesthesia in your specific case. Liposuction at our New Jersey practice can be performed in conjunction with other body contouring procedures like abdominoplasty and body lift or facial procedures like neck lift to refine and enhance results.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gregory Rauscher to learn more about the tumescent and ultrasonic liposuction procedures at our New Jersey practice.

Abdominoplasty or “Tummy Tuck”

Pregnancy, dramatic weight loss, weight gain, and aging can cause the skin of the abdomen to sag or pooch around the belly. Abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck,” offered at our New Jersey practice can improve the appearance of these problem areas and tighten the abdomen to create a slim, well proportioned silhouette.

Full abdominoplasty begins with a horizontal incision hidden below the belt line. Dr. Rauscher then separates the skin from the abdomen up toward the diaphragm so that he can fully access the abdominal muscles. Once the muscles are exposed, Dr. Rauscher stitches them into a tightened position to slim the waistline with long lasting results. Once this is complete, the skin is drawn over the muscles and extended to create a taut, flat abdomen. Excess skin, fat, and tissue that extend beyond the original incision are removed. Liposuction is often performed in conjunction with full abdominoplasty to refine results and further tighten the skin along the contours of the abdomen. Partial abdominoplasty, or “mini-tummy tuck,” which is less invasive and leaves minimal scarring, is available for patients seeking to improve only the lower abdominal region.

Tummy Tuck produces amazing results for our New Jersey patients, giving them a tightened abdomen that may not have been possible with diet and exercise alone. If you have had gastric bypass surgery, a tummy tuck is an excellent option for removing the extra skin and fat that may remain around the midsection. Contact us today to find out more about tummy tuck at Dr. Rauscher’s New Jersey practice.

Post Weight Loss Cosmetic Surgery – Body Contouring In NJ

Full Body Lift

Dramatic weight loss resulting from a diet or gastric bypass surgery can leave large amounts of excess skin around the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms. Large skin folds can be uncomfortable and cause medical complications such as cellulitis and abscesses. Surgically removing and lifting extra tissue and skin can dramatically improve overall comfort and confidence, revealing a beautiful new figure and giving you the smooth body contours that you desire.

The majority of excess skin can be taken care of through body lift surgery, which helps to reshape the back, midsection, thighs, and buttocks. Dr. Rauscher will first make an incision around the circumference of the lower abdomen and then lift and remove excess skin and tissue from the lower portion of the body to form smoother buttocks, thighs, and hips. Surplus tissue from the upper portion of the body and abdomen will be drawn downward and removed to smooth the tummy and lower back. Liposuction, as well as arm lift, can be combined with this procedure to perfect body contouring in NJ results. Post-surgically, you will notice a dramatic difference in your body shape.

Dr. Rauscher is frequently recommended to post gastric bypass patients to perform body lift surgery and has completed many successful operations with outstanding results. His experience in this area is a great benefit, as body lift is a relatively new procedure that is becoming increasingly popular among weight-loss patients.

Arm Lift and Thigh Lift (Lower Body Lift)

Sagging skin on arms and thighs can be the result of aging or dramatic weight loss. These problem areas can be removed using localized procedures called arm lift (also called brachioplasty) and thigh lift. For arm lift, Dr. Rauscher makes incisions along the inner portion of the arm and removes excess skin. The remaining skin is drawn together and closed, revealing tightened, smoother looking arms. Thigh lift, also called thighplasty, lower body lift, or circumferential belt lipectomy, is a more involved procedure that requires an incision around the lower portion of the waist through which the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen are smoothed and lifted. Excess skin is removed and the incision is carefully closed to minimize the appearance of scars. Both of these procedures can be combined with liposuction to yield optimal results.

Brazilian Butt Lift

What is the Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a type of butt augmentation procedure which results in youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile without an artificial implant. The surgical procedure uses your own fat, so it is the most natural way to augment your buttocks. The buttocks have received more press coverage than ever before. People of all ages and body types are having the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure because the body shape, not just the buttocks, are contoured.

What concerns does the Brazilian Butt Lift address?

Candidates for the procedure include both women and men who have these symptoms:

How is the Brazilian Butt Lift performed?

The Brazilian Butt Lift technique varies dramatically among plastic surgeons.

I have been using the fat grafting technique for over 10 years. I have refined my fat processing so that you get the purest and most viable fat possible reinjected into your buttocks. My technique involves fat extraction with liposuction, processing of the fat and micro reinjection of fat droplets. After BBL,  your body  profile appears more attractive and sensuous.
Contact us today to learn more about body lift and other body contouring body contouring in NJ. 

Also, learn more about breast enhancement and facial rejuvenation procedures we offer such as facelift, rhinoplasty, BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment, breast augmentation, breast implants, and breast reduction, all performed at our New Jersey practice.

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